February 21, 2025Is Even or Is Not Even Recently I came acrosss a LinkedIn post where someone said: in order to improve
isEven(n: number) performance, we can use bitwise operator instead of modulo.
At a glance I totally agree with that oppinion.
May 9, 2024Tea and Coffe Pick Two From Coffee Jitters to Tea Time Tranquility: My Caffeinated Conversion
April 2, 2024Node and Memory Leak Unlike other languages, a Node server keep running forever. If it happens to have memory leak in your app, it will get worse.
March 28, 2024How to access VNPT iGate Modem VNPT has weird modems because they don't let me access with normal browser. Once the support told me to install a brower app on my phone to be able to access modem settings. But I uninstalled after and forgot it. So as susual I have to figure out why and how to fix it consistently.
September 29, 2023First Time Make Pho My first attemp to make Pho, our traditional bow
September 1, 2023ESM for Production The JavaScript ecosystem is quickly moving toward publishing ECMAScript modules (ESM) instead of CommonJS modules. Is it ready for production?
August 19, 2023The Way I Math With Hugo Recently I have joined a course to relearn some linear algebra. What I didn't have any intuition during college. I want to do exercises and also add them to my site for content 😄