1. Move to end Link to heading


Example: From current cursor position move to end of line

▌echo hello world
echo hello world▌

2. Move to beginning Link to heading


Example: From last position move to beginning

▌echo hello world

3. Move to next word Link to heading


Example: From last position move cursor to after hello position

alt-f alt-f
echo hello▌ world

4. Move to next character Link to heading


Example: From last position move cursor to character r in word

^f ^f ^f ^f
echo hello wor▌ld

5. Move to previous word Link to heading


Example: From last position move cursor to before hello word

alt-b alt-b
echo ▌hello world

6. Move to previous character Link to heading


Example: From last position move cursor to before character c in echo

^b ^b ^b ^b
e▌cho hello world

7. Delete previous word Link to heading


Example: From last position delete hello

^e alt-b ^w
echo ▌world

8. Delete next word Link to heading


Example: From last position delete world
