0x108048001: [Code]
- map: 0x116100002655 <Map>
- code_data_container: 0x116100270209 <Other heap object (CODE_DATA_CONTAINER_TYPE)>
compiler = baseline
address = 0x108048001
Instructions (size = 5840)
[ Prologue
0x108048040 0 a9bf7bfd stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048044 4 910003fd mov fp, sp
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048048 8 d2800802 movz x2, #0x40
0x10804804c c 5800b134 ldr x20, pc+5668 (addr 0x0000000108049670) ;; object: 0x11610025386d <BytecodeArray[169]>
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to BaselineOutOfLinePrologue
0x108048050 10 95e3b34c bl #+0x78ecd30 (addr 0x10f934d80) ;; runtime entry
[ AssertSpAligned
0x108048054 14 910003f0 mov x16, sp
[ LogicalMacro
0x108048058 18 f2400e1f tst x16, #0xf
0x10804805c 1c 540000c0 b.eq #+0x18 (addr 0x108048074)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048060 20 52800680 movz w0, #0x34
0x108048064 24 d2900990 movz x16, #0x804c
0x108048068 28 f2a07df0 movk x16, #0x3ef, lsl #16
0x10804806c 2c f2c00030 movk x16, #0x1, lsl #32
0x108048070 30 d63f0200 blr x16
[ PrologueFillFrame
[ CompareRoot
[ LoadRoot
0x108048074 34 f940bb50 ldr x16, [x26, #368]
0x108048078 38 6b10001f cmp w0, w16
0x10804807c 3c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048088)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048080 40 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048084 44 95e6c4af bl #+0x79b12bc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108048088 48 a9bf03e0 stp x0, x0, [sp, #-16]!
0x10804808c 4c a9bf03e0 stp x0, x0, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048090 50 a9bf03e0 stp x0, x0, [sp, #-16]!
[ AssertSpAligned
0x108048094 54 910003f0 mov x16, sp
[ LogicalMacro
0x108048098 58 f2400e1f tst x16, #0xf
0x10804809c 5c 540000c0 b.eq #+0x18 (addr 0x1080480b4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080480a0 60 52800680 movz w0, #0x34
0x1080480a4 64 d2900990 movz x16, #0x804c
0x1080480a8 68 f2a07df0 movk x16, #0x3ef, lsl #16
0x1080480ac 6c f2c00030 movk x16, #0x1, lsl #32
0x1080480b0 70 d63f0200 blr x16
[ 13 00 LdaConstant [0]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080480b4 74 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080480b8 78 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080480bc 7c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080480c8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080480c0 80 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080480c4 84 95e6c49f bl #+0x79b127c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080480c8 88 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080480cc 8c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080480e4)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080480d0 90 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080480d4 94 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080480d8 98 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080480dc 9c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080480e0 a0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080480ec)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080480e4 a4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080480e8 a8 95e6c496 bl #+0x79b1258 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x1080480ec ac 5800ac60 ldr x0, pc+5516 (addr 0x0000000108049678) ;; object: 0x116100253751 <FixedArray[5]>
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080480f0 b0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080480f4 b4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080480f8 b8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048104)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080480fc bc d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048100 c0 95e6c490 bl #+0x79b1240 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048104 c4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048108 c8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048120)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10804810c cc b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048110 d0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048114 d4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048118 d8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10804811c dc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048128)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048120 e0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048124 e4 95e6c487 bl #+0x79b121c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048128 e8 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x10804812c ec f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x108048130 f0 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048134 f4 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048138 f8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048144)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10804813c fc d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048140 100 95e6c480 bl #+0x79b1200 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 19 fe f6 Mov <closure>, r4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048144 104 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048148 108 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10804814c 10c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048158)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048150 110 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048154 114 95e6c47b bl #+0x79b11ec (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048158 118 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10804815c 11c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048174)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048160 120 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048164 124 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048168 128 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10804816c 12c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048170 130 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804817c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048174 134 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048178 138 95e6c472 bl #+0x79b11c8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x10804817c 13c a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048180 140 f85f03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-16]
0x108048184 144 f81b03ae stur x14, [fp, #-80]
0x108048188 148 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10804818c 14c 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048190 150 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804819c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048194 154 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048198 158 95e6c46a bl #+0x79b11a8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 65 4f 01 f7 02 CallRuntime [DeclareGlobals], r3-r4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804819c 15c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080481a0 160 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080481a4 164 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080481b0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080481a8 168 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080481ac 16c 95e6c465 bl #+0x79b1194 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080481b0 170 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080481b4 174 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080481cc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080481b8 178 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080481bc 17c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080481c0 180 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080481c4 184 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080481c8 188 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080481d4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080481cc 18c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080481d0 190 95e6c45c bl #+0x79b1170 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x1080481d4 194 f85f83bb ldur cp, [fp, #-8]
0x1080481d8 198 f85b83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-72]
0x1080481dc 19c f85b03af ldur x15, [fp, #-80]
0x1080481e0 1a0 a9bf3bef stp x15, x14, [sp, #-16]!
[ CallRuntime
0x1080481e4 1a4 d2800040 movz x0, #0x2
0x1080481e8 1a8 d2917001 movz x1, #0x8b80
0x1080481ec 1ac f2a093c1 movk x1, #0x49e, lsl #16
0x1080481f0 1b0 f2c00021 movk x1, #0x1, lsl #32
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit
0x1080481f4 1b4 95ed8d4b bl #+0x7b6352c (addr 0x10fbab720) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 01 00 LdaGlobal [1], [0]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080481f8 1b8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080481fc 1bc eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048200 1c0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804820c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048204 1c4 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048208 1c8 95e6c44e bl #+0x79b1138 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804820c 1cc f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048210 1d0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048228)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048214 1d4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048218 1d8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804821c 1dc 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048220 1e0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048224 1e4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048230)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048228 1e8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804822c 1ec 95e6c445 bl #+0x79b1114 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048230 1f0 5800a282 ldr x2, pc+5200 (addr 0x0000000108049680) ;; object: 0x116100004121 <String[9]: #arguments>
0x108048234 1f4 d2800000 movz x0, #0x0
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x108048238 1f8 95e96f8a bl #+0x7a5be28 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804823c 1fc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048240 200 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048244 204 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048250)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048248 208 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804824c 20c 95e6c43d bl #+0x79b10f4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048250 210 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048254 214 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804826c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048258 218 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804825c 21c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048260 220 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048264 224 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048268 228 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048274)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804826c 22c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048270 230 95e6c434 bl #+0x79b10d0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048274 234 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048278 238 f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x10804827c 23c a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048280 240 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048284 244 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048290)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048288 248 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804828c 24c 95e6c42d bl #+0x79b10b4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0c LdaZero
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048290 250 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048294 254 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048298 258 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080482a4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10804829c 25c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080482a0 260 95e6c428 bl #+0x79b10a0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080482a4 264 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080482a8 268 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080482c0)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080482ac 26c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080482b0 270 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080482b4 274 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080482b8 278 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080482bc 27c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080482c8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080482c0 280 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080482c4 284 95e6c41f bl #+0x79b107c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x1080482c8 288 d2800000 movz x0, #0x0
[ 2f f7 02 LdaKeyedProperty r3, [2]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080482cc 28c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080482d0 290 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080482d4 294 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080482e0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080482d8 298 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080482dc 29c 95e6c419 bl #+0x79b1064 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080482e0 2a0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080482e4 2a4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080482fc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080482e8 2a8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080482ec 2ac 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080482f0 2b0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080482f4 2b4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080482f8 2b8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048304)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080482fc 2bc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048300 2c0 95e6c410 bl #+0x79b1040 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048304 2c4 f85b83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-72]
0x108048308 2c8 d2800082 movz x2, #0x4
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to KeyedLoadICBaseline
0x10804830c 2cc 95e8955d bl #+0x7a25574 (addr 0x10fa6d880) ;; runtime entry
[ 23 02 04 StaGlobal [2], [4]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048310 2d0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048314 2d4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048318 2d8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048324)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10804831c 2dc d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048320 2e0 95e6c408 bl #+0x79b1020 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048324 2e4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048328 2e8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048340)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10804832c 2ec b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048330 2f0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048334 2f4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048338 2f8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10804833c 2fc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048348)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048340 300 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048344 304 95e6c3ff bl #+0x79b0ffc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048348 308 58009a02 ldr x2, pc+4928 (addr 0x0000000108049688) ;; object: 0x1161002536c5 <String[1]: #N>
0x10804834c 30c d2800104 movz x4, #0x8
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreGlobalICBaseline
0x108048350 310 95e8b47c bl #+0x7a2d1f0 (addr 0x10fa75540) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 03 06 LdaGlobal [3], [6]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048354 314 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048358 318 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10804835c 31c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048368)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048360 320 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048364 324 95e6c3f7 bl #+0x79b0fdc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048368 328 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10804836c 32c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048384)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048370 330 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048374 334 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048378 338 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10804837c 33c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048380 340 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804838c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048384 344 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048388 348 95e6c3ee bl #+0x79b0fb8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10804838c 34c 58009822 ldr x2, pc+4868 (addr 0x0000000108049690) ;; object: 0x116100253695 <String[3]: #Obj>
0x108048390 350 d2800180 movz x0, #0xc
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x108048394 354 95e96f33 bl #+0x7a5bccc (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048398 358 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804839c 35c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080483a0 360 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080483ac)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080483a4 364 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080483a8 368 95e6c3e6 bl #+0x79b0f98 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080483ac 36c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080483b0 370 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080483c8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080483b4 374 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080483b8 378 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080483bc 37c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080483c0 380 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080483c4 384 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080483d0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080483c8 388 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080483cc 38c 95e6c3dd bl #+0x79b0f74 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x1080483d0 390 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x1080483d4 394 f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x1080483d8 398 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080483dc 39c 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x1080483e0 3a0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080483ec)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x1080483e4 3a4 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080483e8 3a8 95e6c3d6 bl #+0x79b0f58 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0d 01 LdaSmi [1]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080483ec 3ac 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080483f0 3b0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080483f4 3b4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048400)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080483f8 3b8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080483fc 3bc 95e6c3d1 bl #+0x79b0f44 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048400 3c0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048404 3c4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804841c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048408 3c8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804840c 3cc 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048410 3d0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048414 3d4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048418 3d8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048424)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804841c 3dc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048420 3e0 95e6c3c8 bl #+0x79b0f20 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108048424 3e4 d2800040 movz x0, #0x2
[ c0 Star4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048428 3e8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804842c 3ec eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048430 3f0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804843c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048434 3f4 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048438 3f8 95e6c3c2 bl #+0x79b0f08 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804843c 3fc f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048440 400 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048458)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048444 404 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048448 408 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804844c 40c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048450 410 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048454 414 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048460)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048458 418 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804845c 41c 95e6c3b9 bl #+0x79b0ee4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048460 420 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048464 424 f81b03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-80]
0x108048468 428 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10804846c 42c 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048470 430 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804847c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048474 434 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048478 438 95e6c3b2 bl #+0x79b0ec8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0d 01 LdaSmi [1]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804847c 43c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048480 440 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048484 444 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048490)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048488 448 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804848c 44c 95e6c3ad bl #+0x79b0eb4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048490 450 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048494 454 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080484ac)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048498 458 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804849c 45c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080484a0 460 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080484a4 464 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080484a8 468 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080484b4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080484ac 46c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080484b0 470 95e6c3a4 bl #+0x79b0e90 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x1080484b4 474 d2800040 movz x0, #0x2
[ bf Star5
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080484b8 478 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080484bc 47c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080484c0 480 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080484cc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080484c4 484 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080484c8 488 95e6c39e bl #+0x79b0e78 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080484cc 48c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080484d0 490 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080484e8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080484d4 494 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080484d8 498 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080484dc 49c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080484e0 4a0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080484e4 4a4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080484f0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080484e8 4a8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080484ec 4ac 95e6c395 bl #+0x79b0e54 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x1080484f0 4b0 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x1080484f4 4b4 f81a83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-88]
0x1080484f8 4b8 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080484fc 4bc 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048500 4c0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804850c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048504 4c4 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048508 4c8 95e6c38e bl #+0x79b0e38 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0b f7 Ldar r3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804850c 4cc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048510 4d0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048514 4d4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048520)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048518 4d8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804851c 4dc 95e6c389 bl #+0x79b0e24 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048520 4e0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048524 4e4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804853c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048528 4e8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804852c 4ec 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048530 4f0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048534 4f4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048538 4f8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048544)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804853c 4fc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048540 500 95e6c380 bl #+0x79b0e00 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108048544 504 f85b83a0 ldur x0, [fp, #-72]
[ 69 f7 f6 02 08 Construct r3, r4-r5, [8]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048548 508 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804854c 50c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048550 510 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804855c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048554 514 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048558 518 95e6c37a bl #+0x79b0de8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804855c 51c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048560 520 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048578)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048564 524 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048568 528 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804856c 52c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048570 530 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048574 534 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048580)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048578 538 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804857c 53c 95e6c371 bl #+0x79b0dc4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048580 540 f85b83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-72]
0x108048584 544 aa0003e3 mov x3, x0
0x108048588 548 d2800060 movz x0, #0x3
0x10804858c 54c d2800102 movz x2, #0x8
0x108048590 550 f85a83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-88]
0x108048594 554 a9bf7fee stp x14, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048598 558 f85b03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-80]
[ LoadRoot
0x10804859c 55c f940bb4f ldr x15, [x26, #368]
0x1080485a0 560 a9bf3bef stp x15, x14, [sp, #-16]!
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Construct_Baseline
0x1080485a4 564 95e37e17 bl #+0x78df85c (addr 0x10f927e00) ;; runtime entry
[ 23 04 0a StaGlobal [4], [10]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080485a8 568 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080485ac 56c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080485b0 570 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080485bc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080485b4 574 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080485b8 578 95e6c362 bl #+0x79b0d88 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080485bc 57c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080485c0 580 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080485d8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080485c4 584 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080485c8 588 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080485cc 58c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080485d0 590 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080485d4 594 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080485e0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080485d8 598 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080485dc 59c 95e6c359 bl #+0x79b0d64 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x1080485e0 5a0 580085c2 ldr x2, pc+4280 (addr 0x0000000108049698) ;; object: 0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>
0x1080485e4 5a4 d2800284 movz x4, #0x14
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreGlobalICBaseline
0x1080485e8 5a8 95e8b3d6 bl #+0x7a2cf58 (addr 0x10fa75540) ;; runtime entry
[ 0d 01 LdaSmi [1]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080485ec 5ac 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080485f0 5b0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080485f4 5b4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048600)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080485f8 5b8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080485fc 5bc 95e6c351 bl #+0x79b0d44 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048600 5c0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048604 5c4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804861c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048608 5c8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804860c 5cc 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048610 5d0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048614 5d4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048618 5d8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048624)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804861c 5dc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048620 5e0 95e6c348 bl #+0x79b0d20 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108048624 5e4 d2800040 movz x0, #0x2
[ c3 Star1
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048628 5e8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804862c 5ec eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048630 5f0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804863c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048634 5f4 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048638 5f8 95e6c342 bl #+0x79b0d08 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804863c 5fc f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048640 600 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048658)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048644 604 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048648 608 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804864c 60c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048650 610 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048654 614 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048660)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048658 618 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804865c 61c 95e6c339 bl #+0x79b0ce4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048660 620 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048664 624 f81c83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-56]
0x108048668 628 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10804866c 62c 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048670 630 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804867c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048674 634 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048678 638 95e6c332 bl #+0x79b0cc8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0d 01 LdaSmi [1]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804867c 63c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048680 640 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048684 644 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048690)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048688 648 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804868c 64c 95e6c32d bl #+0x79b0cb4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048690 650 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048694 654 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080486ac)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048698 658 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804869c 65c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080486a0 660 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080486a4 664 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080486a8 668 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080486b4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080486ac 66c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080486b0 670 95e6c324 bl #+0x79b0c90 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x1080486b4 674 d2800040 movz x0, #0x2
[ c2 Star2
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080486b8 678 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080486bc 67c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080486c0 680 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080486cc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080486c4 684 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080486c8 688 95e6c31e bl #+0x79b0c78 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080486cc 68c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080486d0 690 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080486e8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080486d4 694 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080486d8 698 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080486dc 69c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080486e0 6a0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080486e4 6a4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080486f0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080486e8 6a8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080486ec 6ac 95e6c315 bl #+0x79b0c54 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x1080486f0 6b0 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x1080486f4 6b4 f81c03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-64]
0x1080486f8 6b8 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080486fc 6bc 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048700 6c0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804870c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048704 6c4 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048708 6c8 95e6c30e bl #+0x79b0c38 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0e LdaUndefined
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804870c 6cc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048710 6d0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048714 6d4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048720)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048718 6d8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804871c 6dc 95e6c309 bl #+0x79b0c24 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048720 6e0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048724 6e4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804873c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048728 6e8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804872c 6ec 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048730 6f0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048734 6f4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048738 6f8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048744)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804873c 6fc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048740 700 95e6c300 bl #+0x79b0c00 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ LoadRoot
0x108048744 704 f940bb40 ldr x0, [x26, #368]
[ c4 Star0
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048748 708 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804874c 70c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048750 710 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804875c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048754 714 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048758 718 95e6c2fa bl #+0x79b0be8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804875c 71c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048760 720 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048778)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048764 724 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048768 728 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804876c 72c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048770 730 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048774 734 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048780)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048778 738 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804877c 73c 95e6c2f1 bl #+0x79b0bc4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048780 740 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048784 744 f81d03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-48]
0x108048788 748 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10804878c 74c 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048790 750 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804879c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048794 754 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048798 758 95e6c2ea bl #+0x79b0ba8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 02 0c LdaGlobal [2], [12]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804879c 75c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080487a0 760 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080487a4 764 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080487b0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080487a8 768 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080487ac 76c 95e6c2e5 bl #+0x79b0b94 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080487b0 770 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080487b4 774 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080487cc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080487b8 778 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080487bc 77c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080487c0 780 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080487c4 784 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080487c8 788 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080487d4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080487cc 78c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080487d0 790 95e6c2dc bl #+0x79b0b70 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x1080487d4 794 58007662 ldr x2, pc+3788 (addr 0x00000001080496a0) ;; object: 0x1161002536c5 <String[1]: #N>
0x1080487d8 798 d2800300 movz x0, #0x18
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x1080487dc 79c 95e96e21 bl #+0x7a5b884 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ 6d f9 0e TestLessThan r1, [14]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080487e0 7a0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080487e4 7a4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080487e8 7a8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080487f4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080487ec 7ac d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080487f0 7b0 95e6c2d4 bl #+0x79b0b50 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080487f4 7b4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080487f8 7b8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048810)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080487fc 7bc b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048800 7c0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048804 7c4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048808 7c8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10804880c 7cc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048818)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048810 7d0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048814 7d4 95e6c2cb bl #+0x79b0b2c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048818 7d8 f85c83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-56]
0x10804881c 7dc d28001c2 movz x2, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LessThan_Baseline
0x108048820 7e0 95eafdb0 bl #+0x7abf6c0 (addr 0x10fb07ee0) ;; runtime entry
[ 99 6e JumpIfFalse [110]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048824 7e4 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048828 7e8 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10804882c 7ec 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048838)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048830 7f0 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048834 7f4 95e6c2c3 bl #+0x79b0b0c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048838 7f8 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10804883c 7fc 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048854)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048840 800 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048844 804 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048848 808 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10804884c 80c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048850 810 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804885c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048854 814 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048858 818 95e6c2ba bl #+0x79b0ae8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CompareRoot
[ LoadRoot
0x10804885c 81c f940cb50 ldr x16, [x26, #400]
0x108048860 820 6b10001f cmp w0, w16
0x108048864 824 54000101 b.ne #+0x20 (addr 0x108048884)
[ UpdateInterruptBudgetAndJumpToLabel
[ AddToInterruptBudgetAndJumpIfNotExceeded
0x108048868 828 f85f03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-16]
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10804886c 82c b84131ce ldur w14, [x14, #19]
0x108048870 830 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048874 834 b84071cf ldur w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048878 838 3101b1ef adds w15, w15, #0x6c (108)
0x10804887c 83c b80071cf stur w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048880 840 14000353 b #+0xd4c (addr 0x1080495cc)
[ 21 03 06 LdaGlobal [3], [6]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048884 844 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048888 848 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10804888c 84c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048898)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048890 850 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048894 854 95e6c2ab bl #+0x79b0aac (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048898 858 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10804889c 85c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080488b4)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080488a0 860 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080488a4 864 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080488a8 868 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080488ac 86c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080488b0 870 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080488bc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080488b4 874 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080488b8 878 95e6c2a2 bl #+0x79b0a88 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x1080488bc 87c 58006f62 ldr x2, pc+3564 (addr 0x00000001080496a8) ;; object: 0x116100253695 <String[3]: #Obj>
0x1080488c0 880 d2800180 movz x0, #0xc
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x1080488c4 884 95e96de7 bl #+0x7a5b79c (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080488c8 888 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080488cc 88c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080488d0 890 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080488dc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080488d4 894 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080488d8 898 95e6c29a bl #+0x79b0a68 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080488dc 89c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080488e0 8a0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080488f8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080488e4 8a4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080488e8 8a8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080488ec 8ac 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080488f0 8b0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080488f4 8b4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048900)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080488f8 8b8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080488fc 8bc 95e6c291 bl #+0x79b0a44 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048900 8c0 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048904 8c4 f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x108048908 8c8 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10804890c 8cc 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048910 8d0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804891c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048914 8d4 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048918 8d8 95e6c28a bl #+0x79b0a28 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0b f7 Ldar r3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804891c 8dc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048920 8e0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048924 8e4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048930)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048928 8e8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804892c 8ec 95e6c285 bl #+0x79b0a14 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048930 8f0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048934 8f4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804894c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048938 8f8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804893c 8fc 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048940 900 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048944 904 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048948 908 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048954)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804894c 90c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048950 910 95e6c27c bl #+0x79b09f0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108048954 914 f85b83a0 ldur x0, [fp, #-72]
[ 19 f9 f6 Mov r1, r4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048958 918 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804895c 91c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048960 920 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804896c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048964 924 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048968 928 95e6c276 bl #+0x79b09d8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804896c 92c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048970 930 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048988)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048974 934 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048978 938 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804897c 93c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048980 940 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048984 944 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048990)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048988 948 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804898c 94c 95e6c26d bl #+0x79b09b4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048990 950 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048994 954 f85c83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-56]
0x108048998 958 f81b03ae stur x14, [fp, #-80]
0x10804899c 95c a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080489a0 960 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x1080489a4 964 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080489b0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x1080489a8 968 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080489ac 96c 95e6c265 bl #+0x79b0994 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 19 f8 f5 Mov r2, r5
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080489b0 970 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080489b4 974 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080489b8 978 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080489c4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080489bc 97c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080489c0 980 95e6c260 bl #+0x79b0980 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080489c4 984 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080489c8 988 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080489e0)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080489cc 98c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080489d0 990 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080489d4 994 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080489d8 998 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080489dc 99c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080489e8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080489e0 9a0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080489e4 9a4 95e6c257 bl #+0x79b095c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x1080489e8 9a8 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x1080489ec 9ac f85c03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-64]
0x1080489f0 9b0 f81a83ae stur x14, [fp, #-88]
0x1080489f4 9b4 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080489f8 9b8 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x1080489fc 9bc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048a08)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048a00 9c0 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048a04 9c4 95e6c24f bl #+0x79b093c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 69 f7 f6 02 0f Construct r3, r4-r5, [15]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048a08 9c8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048a0c 9cc eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048a10 9d0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048a1c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048a14 9d4 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048a18 9d8 95e6c24a bl #+0x79b0928 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048a1c 9dc f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048a20 9e0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048a38)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048a24 9e4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048a28 9e8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048a2c 9ec 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048a30 9f0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048a34 9f4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048a40)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048a38 9f8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048a3c 9fc 95e6c241 bl #+0x79b0904 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048a40 a00 f85b83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-72]
0x108048a44 a04 aa0003e3 mov x3, x0
0x108048a48 a08 d2800060 movz x0, #0x3
0x108048a4c a0c d28001e2 movz x2, #0xf
0x108048a50 a10 f85a83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-88]
0x108048a54 a14 a9bf7fee stp x14, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048a58 a18 f85b03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-80]
[ LoadRoot
0x108048a5c a1c f940bb4f ldr x15, [x26, #368]
0x108048a60 a20 a9bf3bef stp x15, x14, [sp, #-16]!
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Construct_Baseline
0x108048a64 a24 95e37ce7 bl #+0x78df39c (addr 0x10f927e00) ;; runtime entry
[ 23 05 11 StaGlobal [5], [17]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048a68 a28 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048a6c a2c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048a70 a30 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048a7c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048a74 a34 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048a78 a38 95e6c232 bl #+0x79b08c8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048a7c a3c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048a80 a40 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048a98)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048a84 a44 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048a88 a48 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048a8c a4c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048a90 a50 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048a94 a54 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048aa0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048a98 a58 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048a9c a5c 95e6c229 bl #+0x79b08a4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048aa0 a60 58006082 ldr x2, pc+3088 (addr 0x00000001080496b0) ;; object: 0x116100005199 <String[5]: #other>
0x108048aa4 a64 d2800444 movz x4, #0x22
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreGlobalICBaseline
0x108048aa8 a68 95e8b2a6 bl #+0x7a2ca98 (addr 0x10fa75540) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 04 13 LdaGlobal [4], [19]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048aac a6c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048ab0 a70 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048ab4 a74 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048ac0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048ab8 a78 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048abc a7c 95e6c221 bl #+0x79b0884 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048ac0 a80 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048ac4 a84 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048adc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048ac8 a88 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048acc a8c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048ad0 a90 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048ad4 a94 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048ad8 a98 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048ae4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048adc a9c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048ae0 aa0 95e6c218 bl #+0x79b0860 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048ae4 aa4 58005ea2 ldr x2, pc+3028 (addr 0x00000001080496b8) ;; object: 0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>
0x108048ae8 aa8 d28004c0 movz x0, #0x26
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x108048aec aac 95e96d5d bl #+0x7a5b574 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ c0 Star4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048af0 ab0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048af4 ab4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048af8 ab8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048b04)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048afc abc d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048b00 ac0 95e6c210 bl #+0x79b0840 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048b04 ac4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048b08 ac8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048b20)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048b0c acc b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048b10 ad0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048b14 ad4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048b18 ad8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048b1c adc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048b28)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048b20 ae0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048b24 ae4 95e6c207 bl #+0x79b081c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048b28 ae8 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048b2c aec f81b03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-80]
0x108048b30 af0 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048b34 af4 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048b38 af8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048b44)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048b3c afc d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048b40 b00 95e6c200 bl #+0x79b0800 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 2d f6 06 15 LdaNamedProperty r4, [6], [21]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048b44 b04 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048b48 b08 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048b4c b0c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048b58)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048b50 b10 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048b54 b14 95e6c1fb bl #+0x79b07ec (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048b58 b18 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048b5c b1c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048b74)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048b60 b20 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048b64 b24 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048b68 b28 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048b6c b2c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048b70 b30 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048b7c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048b74 b34 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048b78 b38 95e6c1f2 bl #+0x79b07c8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048b7c b3c f85b03a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-80]
0x108048b80 b40 58005a02 ldr x2, pc+2880 (addr 0x00000001080496c0) ;; object: 0x11610000407d <String[3]: #add>
0x108048b84 b44 d2800540 movz x0, #0x2a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x108048b88 b48 95e7dd1e bl #+0x79f7478 (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048b8c b4c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048b90 b50 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048b94 b54 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048ba0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048b98 b58 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048b9c b5c 95e6c1e9 bl #+0x79b07a4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048ba0 b60 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048ba4 b64 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048bbc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048ba8 b68 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048bac b6c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048bb0 b70 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048bb4 b74 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048bb8 b78 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048bc4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048bbc b7c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048bc0 b80 95e6c1e0 bl #+0x79b0780 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048bc4 b84 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048bc8 b88 f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x108048bcc b8c a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048bd0 b90 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048bd4 b94 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048be0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048bd8 b98 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048bdc b9c 95e6c1d9 bl #+0x79b0764 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 05 17 LdaGlobal [5], [23]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048be0 ba0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048be4 ba4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048be8 ba8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048bf4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048bec bac d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048bf0 bb0 95e6c1d4 bl #+0x79b0750 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048bf4 bb4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048bf8 bb8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048c10)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048bfc bbc b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048c00 bc0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048c04 bc4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048c08 bc8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048c0c bcc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048c18)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048c10 bd0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048c14 bd4 95e6c1cb bl #+0x79b072c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048c18 bd8 58005582 ldr x2, pc+2736 (addr 0x00000001080496c8) ;; object: 0x116100005199 <String[5]: #other>
0x108048c1c bdc d28005c0 movz x0, #0x2e
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x108048c20 be0 95e96d10 bl #+0x7a5b440 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ bf Star5
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048c24 be4 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048c28 be8 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048c2c bec 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048c38)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048c30 bf0 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048c34 bf4 95e6c1c3 bl #+0x79b070c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048c38 bf8 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048c3c bfc 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048c54)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048c40 c00 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048c44 c04 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048c48 c08 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048c4c c0c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048c50 c10 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048c5c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048c54 c14 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048c58 c18 95e6c1ba bl #+0x79b06e8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048c5c c1c a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048c60 c20 f81a83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-88]
0x108048c64 c24 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048c68 c28 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048c6c c2c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048c78)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048c70 c30 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048c74 c34 95e6c1b3 bl #+0x79b06cc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 5e f7 f6 f5 19 CallProperty1 r3, r4, r5, [25]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048c78 c38 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048c7c c3c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048c80 c40 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048c8c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048c84 c44 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048c88 c48 95e6c1ae bl #+0x79b06b8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048c8c c4c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048c90 c50 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048ca8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048c94 c54 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048c98 c58 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048c9c c5c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048ca0 c60 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048ca4 c64 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048cb0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048ca8 c68 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048cac c6c 95e6c1a5 bl #+0x79b0694 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048cb0 c70 f85b83a0 ldur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x108048cb4 c74 d2832041 movz x1, #0x1902
0x108048cb8 c78 f85a83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-88]
0x108048cbc c7c f85b03af ldur x15, [fp, #-80]
0x108048cc0 c80 a9bf3bef stp x15, x14, [sp, #-16]!
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Call_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined_Baseline_Compact
0x108048cc4 c84 95e2f577 bl #+0x78bd5dc (addr 0x10f9062a0) ;; runtime entry
[ 0e LdaUndefined
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048cc8 c88 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048ccc c8c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048cd0 c90 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048cdc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048cd4 c94 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048cd8 c98 95e6c19a bl #+0x79b0668 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048cdc c9c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048ce0 ca0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048cf8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048ce4 ca4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048ce8 ca8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048cec cac 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048cf0 cb0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048cf4 cb4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048d00)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048cf8 cb8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048cfc cbc 95e6c191 bl #+0x79b0644 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ LoadRoot
0x108048d00 cc0 f940bb40 ldr x0, [x26, #368]
[ c4 Star0
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048d04 cc4 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048d08 cc8 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048d0c ccc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048d18)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048d10 cd0 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048d14 cd4 95e6c18b bl #+0x79b062c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048d18 cd8 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048d1c cdc 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048d34)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048d20 ce0 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048d24 ce4 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048d28 ce8 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048d2c cec f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048d30 cf0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048d3c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048d34 cf4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048d38 cf8 95e6c182 bl #+0x79b0608 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048d3c cfc a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048d40 d00 f81d03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-48]
0x108048d44 d04 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048d48 d08 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048d4c d0c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048d58)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048d50 d10 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048d54 d14 95e6c17b bl #+0x79b05ec (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 04 13 LdaGlobal [4], [19]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048d58 d18 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048d5c d1c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048d60 d20 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048d6c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048d64 d24 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048d68 d28 95e6c176 bl #+0x79b05d8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048d6c d2c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048d70 d30 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048d88)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048d74 d34 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048d78 d38 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048d7c d3c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048d80 d40 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048d84 d44 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048d90)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048d88 d48 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048d8c d4c 95e6c16d bl #+0x79b05b4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048d90 d50 58004a02 ldr x2, pc+2368 (addr 0x00000001080496d0) ;; object: 0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>
0x108048d94 d54 d28004c0 movz x0, #0x26
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x108048d98 d58 95e96cb2 bl #+0x7a5b2c8 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048d9c d5c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048da0 d60 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048da4 d64 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048db0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048da8 d68 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048dac d6c 95e6c165 bl #+0x79b0594 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048db0 d70 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048db4 d74 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048dcc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048db8 d78 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048dbc d7c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048dc0 d80 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048dc4 d84 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048dc8 d88 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048dd4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048dcc d8c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048dd0 d90 95e6c15c bl #+0x79b0570 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048dd4 d94 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048dd8 d98 f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x108048ddc d9c a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048de0 da0 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048de4 da4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048df0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048de8 da8 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048dec dac 95e6c155 bl #+0x79b0554 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 2d f7 07 1b LdaNamedProperty r3, [7], [27]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048df0 db0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048df4 db4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048df8 db8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048e04)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048dfc dbc d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048e00 dc0 95e6c150 bl #+0x79b0540 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048e04 dc4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048e08 dc8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048e20)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048e0c dcc b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048e10 dd0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048e14 dd4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048e18 dd8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048e1c ddc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048e28)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048e20 de0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048e24 de4 95e6c147 bl #+0x79b051c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048e28 de8 f85b83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-72]
0x108048e2c dec 58004562 ldr x2, pc+2220 (addr 0x00000001080496d8) ;; object: 0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>
0x108048e30 df0 d28006c0 movz x0, #0x36
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x108048e34 df4 95e7dc73 bl #+0x79f71cc (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048e38 df8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048e3c dfc eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048e40 e00 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048e4c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048e44 e04 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048e48 e08 95e6c13e bl #+0x79b04f8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048e4c e0c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048e50 e10 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048e68)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048e54 e14 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048e58 e18 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048e5c e1c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048e60 e20 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048e64 e24 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048e70)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048e68 e28 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048e6c e2c 95e6c135 bl #+0x79b04d4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048e70 e30 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048e74 e34 f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x108048e78 e38 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048e7c e3c 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048e80 e40 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048e8c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108048e84 e44 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048e88 e48 95e6c12e bl #+0x79b04b8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 01 0d 50 c3 00 00 LdaSmi.ExtraWide [50000]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048e8c e4c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048e90 e50 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048e94 e54 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048ea0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048e98 e58 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048e9c e5c 95e6c129 bl #+0x79b04a4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048ea0 e60 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048ea4 e64 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048ebc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048ea8 e68 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048eac e6c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048eb0 e70 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048eb4 e74 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048eb8 e78 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048ec4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048ebc e7c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048ec0 e80 95e6c120 bl #+0x79b0480 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108048ec4 e84 d290d400 movz x0, #0x86a0
0x108048ec8 e88 f2a00020 movk x0, #0x1, lsl #16
[ 6e f7 1d TestGreaterThan r3, [29]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048ecc e8c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048ed0 e90 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048ed4 e94 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048ee0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048ed8 e98 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048edc e9c 95e6c119 bl #+0x79b0464 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048ee0 ea0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048ee4 ea4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048efc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048ee8 ea8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048eec eac 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048ef0 eb0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048ef4 eb4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048ef8 eb8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048f04)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048efc ebc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048f00 ec0 95e6c110 bl #+0x79b0440 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048f04 ec4 f85b83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-72]
0x108048f08 ec8 d28003a2 movz x2, #0x1d
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to GreaterThan_Baseline
0x108048f0c ecc 95eb00ed bl #+0x7ac03b4 (addr 0x10fb092c0) ;; runtime entry
[ 99 24 JumpIfFalse [36]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048f10 ed0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048f14 ed4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048f18 ed8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048f24)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048f1c edc d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048f20 ee0 95e6c108 bl #+0x79b0420 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048f24 ee4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048f28 ee8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048f40)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048f2c eec b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048f30 ef0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048f34 ef4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048f38 ef8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048f3c efc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048f48)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048f40 f00 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048f44 f04 95e6c0ff bl #+0x79b03fc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CompareRoot
[ LoadRoot
0x108048f48 f08 f940cb50 ldr x16, [x26, #400]
0x108048f4c f0c 6b10001f cmp w0, w16
0x108048f50 f10 54000101 b.ne #+0x20 (addr 0x108048f70)
[ UpdateInterruptBudgetAndJumpToLabel
[ AddToInterruptBudgetAndJumpIfNotExceeded
0x108048f54 f14 f85f03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-16]
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048f58 f18 b84131ce ldur w14, [x14, #19]
0x108048f5c f1c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048f60 f20 b84071cf ldur w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048f64 f24 310089ef adds w15, w15, #0x22 (34)
0x108048f68 f28 b80071cf stur w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048f6c f2c 14000109 b #+0x424 (addr 0x108049390)
[ 21 04 13 LdaGlobal [4], [19]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048f70 f30 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048f74 f34 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048f78 f38 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048f84)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048f7c f3c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048f80 f40 95e6c0f0 bl #+0x79b03c0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048f84 f44 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048f88 f48 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048fa0)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048f8c f4c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048f90 f50 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048f94 f54 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048f98 f58 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048f9c f5c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048fa8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048fa0 f60 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048fa4 f64 95e6c0e7 bl #+0x79b039c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108048fa8 f68 580039c2 ldr x2, pc+1848 (addr 0x00000001080496e0) ;; object: 0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>
0x108048fac f6c d28004c0 movz x0, #0x26
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x108048fb0 f70 95e96c2c bl #+0x7a5b0b0 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ c1 Star3
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108048fb4 f74 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108048fb8 f78 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108048fbc f7c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048fc8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108048fc0 f80 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048fc4 f84 95e6c0df bl #+0x79b037c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108048fc8 f88 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108048fcc f8c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108048fe4)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108048fd0 f90 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108048fd4 f94 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108048fd8 f98 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108048fdc f9c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108048fe0 fa0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108048fec)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108048fe4 fa4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108048fe8 fa8 95e6c0d6 bl #+0x79b0358 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108048fec fac a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108048ff0 fb0 f81b83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-72]
0x108048ff4 fb4 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108048ff8 fb8 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108048ffc fbc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049008)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108049000 fc0 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049004 fc4 95e6c0cf bl #+0x79b033c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 04 13 LdaGlobal [4], [19]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049008 fc8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804900c fcc eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049010 fd0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804901c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049014 fd4 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049018 fd8 95e6c0ca bl #+0x79b0328 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804901c fdc f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049020 fe0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049038)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049024 fe4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049028 fe8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804902c fec 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049030 ff0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049034 ff4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049040)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049038 ff8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804903c ffc 95e6c0c1 bl #+0x79b0304 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108049040 1000 58003542 ldr x2, pc+1704 (addr 0x00000001080496e8) ;; object: 0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>
0x108049044 1004 d28004c0 movz x0, #0x26
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x108049048 1008 95e96c06 bl #+0x7a5b018 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ c0 Star4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804904c 100c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049050 1010 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049054 1014 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049060)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049058 1018 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804905c 101c 95e6c0b9 bl #+0x79b02e4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049060 1020 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049064 1024 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804907c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049068 1028 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804906c 102c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049070 1030 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049074 1034 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049078 1038 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049084)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804907c 103c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049080 1040 95e6c0b0 bl #+0x79b02c0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108049084 1044 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108049088 1048 f81b03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-80]
0x10804908c 104c a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108049090 1050 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108049094 1054 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080490a0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108049098 1058 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804909c 105c 95e6c0a9 bl #+0x79b02a4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 2d f6 07 1b LdaNamedProperty r4, [7], [27]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080490a0 1060 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080490a4 1064 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080490a8 1068 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080490b4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080490ac 106c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080490b0 1070 95e6c0a4 bl #+0x79b0290 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080490b4 1074 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080490b8 1078 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080490d0)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080490bc 107c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080490c0 1080 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080490c4 1084 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080490c8 1088 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080490cc 108c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080490d8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080490d0 1090 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080490d4 1094 95e6c09b bl #+0x79b026c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x1080490d8 1098 f85b03a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-80]
0x1080490dc 109c 580030a2 ldr x2, pc+1556 (addr 0x00000001080496f0) ;; object: 0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>
0x1080490e0 10a0 d28006c0 movz x0, #0x36
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x1080490e4 10a4 95e7dbc7 bl #+0x79f6f1c (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ c0 Star4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080490e8 10a8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080490ec 10ac eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080490f0 10b0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080490fc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080490f4 10b4 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080490f8 10b8 95e6c092 bl #+0x79b0248 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080490fc 10bc f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049100 10c0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049118)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049104 10c4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049108 10c8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804910c 10cc 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049110 10d0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049114 10d4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049120)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049118 10d8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804911c 10dc 95e6c089 bl #+0x79b0224 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108049120 10e0 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108049124 10e4 f81b03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-80]
0x108049128 10e8 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10804912c 10ec 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108049130 10f0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804913c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108049134 10f4 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049138 10f8 95e6c082 bl #+0x79b0208 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 21 04 13 LdaGlobal [4], [19]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804913c 10fc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049140 1100 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049144 1104 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049150)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049148 1108 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804914c 110c 95e6c07d bl #+0x79b01f4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049150 1110 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049154 1114 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804916c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049158 1118 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804915c 111c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049160 1120 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049164 1124 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049168 1128 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049174)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804916c 112c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049170 1130 95e6c074 bl #+0x79b01d0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108049174 1134 58002c22 ldr x2, pc+1412 (addr 0x00000001080496f8) ;; object: 0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>
0x108049178 1138 d28004c0 movz x0, #0x26
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadGlobalICBaseline
0x10804917c 113c 95e96bb9 bl #+0x7a5aee4 (addr 0x10faa4060) ;; runtime entry
[ bf Star5
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049180 1140 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049184 1144 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049188 1148 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049194)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10804918c 114c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049190 1150 95e6c06c bl #+0x79b01b0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049194 1154 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049198 1158 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080491b0)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10804919c 115c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080491a0 1160 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080491a4 1164 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080491a8 1168 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080491ac 116c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080491b8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080491b0 1170 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080491b4 1174 95e6c063 bl #+0x79b018c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x1080491b8 1178 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x1080491bc 117c f81a83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-88]
0x1080491c0 1180 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080491c4 1184 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x1080491c8 1188 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080491d4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x1080491cc 118c d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080491d0 1190 95e6c05c bl #+0x79b0170 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 2d f5 08 1f LdaNamedProperty r5, [8], [31]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080491d4 1194 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080491d8 1198 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080491dc 119c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080491e8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080491e0 11a0 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080491e4 11a4 95e6c057 bl #+0x79b015c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080491e8 11a8 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080491ec 11ac 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049204)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080491f0 11b0 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080491f4 11b4 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080491f8 11b8 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080491fc 11bc f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049200 11c0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804920c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049204 11c4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049208 11c8 95e6c04e bl #+0x79b0138 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10804920c 11cc f85a83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-88]
0x108049210 11d0 58002782 ldr x2, pc+1264 (addr 0x0000000108049700) ;; object: 0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>
0x108049214 11d4 d28007c0 movz x0, #0x3e
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x108049218 11d8 95e7db7a bl #+0x79f6de8 (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ 39 f6 1e Add r4, [30]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804921c 11dc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049220 11e0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049224 11e4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049230)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049228 11e8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804922c 11ec 95e6c045 bl #+0x79b0114 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049230 11f0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049234 11f4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804924c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049238 11f8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804923c 11fc 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049240 1200 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049244 1204 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049248 1208 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049254)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804924c 120c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049250 1210 95e6c03c bl #+0x79b00f0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108049254 1214 f85b03a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-80]
0x108049258 1218 d28003c2 movz x2, #0x1e
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Add_Baseline
0x10804925c 121c 95ea4981 bl #+0x7a92604 (addr 0x10fadb860) ;; runtime entry
[ c0 Star4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049260 1220 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049264 1224 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049268 1228 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049274)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10804926c 122c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049270 1230 95e6c034 bl #+0x79b00d0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049274 1234 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049278 1238 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049290)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10804927c 123c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049280 1240 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049284 1244 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049288 1248 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10804928c 124c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049298)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049290 1250 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049294 1254 95e6c02b bl #+0x79b00ac (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108049298 1258 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x10804929c 125c f81b03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-80]
0x1080492a0 1260 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080492a4 1264 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x1080492a8 1268 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080492b4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x1080492ac 126c d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080492b0 1270 95e6c024 bl #+0x79b0090 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 32 f7 09 21 StaNamedProperty r3, [9], [33]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080492b4 1274 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080492b8 1278 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080492bc 127c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080492c8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080492c0 1280 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080492c4 1284 95e6c01f bl #+0x79b007c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080492c8 1288 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080492cc 128c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080492e4)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080492d0 1290 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080492d4 1294 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080492d8 1298 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080492dc 129c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080492e0 12a0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080492ec)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080492e4 12a4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080492e8 12a8 95e6c016 bl #+0x79b0058 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x1080492ec 12ac f85b83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-72]
0x1080492f0 12b0 580020c2 ldr x2, pc+1048 (addr 0x0000000108049708) ;; object: 0x1161002536e5 <String[1]: #z>
0x1080492f4 12b4 d2800844 movz x4, #0x42
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreICBaseline
0x1080492f8 12b8 95e8d212 bl #+0x7a34848 (addr 0x10fa7db40) ;; runtime entry
[ 19 f6 fa Mov r4, r0
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080492fc 12bc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049300 12c0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049304 12c4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049310)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049308 12c8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804930c 12cc 95e6c00d bl #+0x79b0034 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049310 12d0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049314 12d4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804932c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049318 12d8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804931c 12dc 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049320 12e0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049324 12e4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049328 12e8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049334)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804932c 12ec d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049330 12f0 95e6c004 bl #+0x79b0010 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108049334 12f4 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108049338 12f8 f85b03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-80]
0x10804933c 12fc f81d03ae stur x14, [fp, #-48]
0x108049340 1300 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108049344 1304 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108049348 1308 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049354)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10804934c 130c d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049350 1310 95e6bffc bl #+0x79afff0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0b f6 Ldar r4
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049354 1314 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049358 1318 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10804935c 131c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049368)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049360 1320 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049364 1324 95e6bff7 bl #+0x79affdc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049368 1328 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10804936c 132c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049384)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049370 1330 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049374 1334 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049378 1338 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10804937c 133c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049380 1340 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804938c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049384 1344 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049388 1348 95e6bfee bl #+0x79affb8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x10804938c 134c f85b03a0 ldur x0, [fp, #-80]
[ 0b f9 Ldar r1
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049390 1350 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049394 1354 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049398 1358 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080493a4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10804939c 135c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080493a0 1360 95e6bfe8 bl #+0x79affa0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080493a4 1364 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080493a8 1368 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080493c0)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080493ac 136c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080493b0 1370 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080493b4 1374 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080493b8 1378 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080493bc 137c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080493c8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080493c0 1380 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080493c4 1384 95e6bfdf bl #+0x79aff7c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x1080493c8 1388 f85c83a0 ldur x0, [fp, #-56]
[ 51 23 Inc [35]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080493cc 138c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080493d0 1390 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080493d4 1394 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080493e0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080493d8 1398 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080493dc 139c 95e6bfd9 bl #+0x79aff64 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080493e0 13a0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080493e4 13a4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080493fc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080493e8 13a8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080493ec 13ac 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080493f0 13b0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080493f4 13b4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080493f8 13b8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049404)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080493fc 13bc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049400 13c0 95e6bfd0 bl #+0x79aff40 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x108049404 13c4 d2800461 movz x1, #0x23
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Increment_Baseline
0x108049408 13c8 95eb2ed6 bl #+0x7acbb58 (addr 0x10fb14f60) ;; runtime entry
[ c3 Star1
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804940c 13cc 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049410 13d0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049414 13d4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049420)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049418 13d8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804941c 13dc 95e6bfc9 bl #+0x79aff24 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049420 13e0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049424 13e4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10804943c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049428 13e8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10804942c 13ec 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049430 13f0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049434 13f4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049438 13f8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049444)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10804943c 13fc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049440 1400 95e6bfc0 bl #+0x79aff00 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108049444 1404 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x108049448 1408 f81c83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-56]
0x10804944c 140c a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108049450 1410 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108049454 1414 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049460)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x108049458 1418 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804945c 141c 95e6bfb9 bl #+0x79afee4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 0b f8 Ldar r2
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049460 1420 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049464 1424 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049468 1428 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049474)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10804946c 142c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049470 1430 95e6bfb4 bl #+0x79afed0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049474 1434 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049478 1438 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049490)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10804947c 143c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049480 1440 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049484 1444 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049488 1448 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10804948c 144c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049498)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049490 1450 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049494 1454 95e6bfab bl #+0x79afeac (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108049498 1458 f85c03a0 ldur x0, [fp, #-64]
[ 45 02 24 AddSmi [2], [36]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10804949c 145c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080494a0 1460 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080494a4 1464 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080494b0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080494a8 1468 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080494ac 146c 95e6bfa5 bl #+0x79afe94 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080494b0 1470 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080494b4 1474 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080494cc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080494b8 1478 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080494bc 147c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080494c0 1480 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080494c4 1484 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080494c8 1488 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080494d4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080494cc 148c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080494d0 1490 95e6bf9c bl #+0x79afe70 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x1080494d4 1494 d2800081 movz x1, #0x4
0x1080494d8 1498 d2800482 movz x2, #0x24
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to AddSmi_Baseline
0x1080494dc 149c 95ea5091 bl #+0x7a94244 (addr 0x10fadd720) ;; runtime entry
[ c2 Star2
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080494e0 14a0 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080494e4 14a4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080494e8 14a8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080494f4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080494ec 14ac d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080494f0 14b0 95e6bf94 bl #+0x79afe50 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080494f4 14b4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080494f8 14b8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049510)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080494fc 14bc b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049500 14c0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049504 14c4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049508 14c8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10804950c 14cc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049518)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049510 14d0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049514 14d4 95e6bf8b bl #+0x79afe2c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108049518 14d8 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x10804951c 14dc f81c03a0 stur x0, [fp, #-64]
0x108049520 14e0 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108049524 14e4 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108049528 14e8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049534)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10804952c 14ec d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049530 14f0 95e6bf84 bl #+0x79afe10 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 89 71 00 JumpLoop [113], [0]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049534 14f4 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x108049538 14f8 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10804953c 14fc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049548)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049540 1500 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049544 1504 95e6bf7f bl #+0x79afdfc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x108049548 1508 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10804954c 150c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049564)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049550 1510 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049554 1514 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x108049558 1518 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10804955c 151c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049560 1520 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804956c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049564 1524 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049568 1528 95e6bf76 bl #+0x79afdd8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ OSR Check Armed
0x10804956c 152c f85e03ae ldur x14, [fp, #-32]
0x108049570 1530 39407dce ldrb w14, [x14, #31]
0x108049574 1534 f10001df cmp x14, #0x0 (0)
0x108049578 1538 54000069 b.ls #+0xc (addr 0x108049584)
[ CallBuiltin
0x10804957c 153c f85f83bb ldur cp, [fp, #-8]
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to BaselineOnStackReplacement
0x108049580 1540 95e3aec0 bl #+0x78ebb00 (addr 0x10f935080) ;; runtime entry
[ UpdateInterruptBudgetAndJumpToLabel
[ AddToInterruptBudgetAndJumpIfNotExceeded
0x108049584 1544 f85f03af ldur x15, [fp, #-16]
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049588 1548 b84131ef ldur w15, [x15, #19]
0x10804958c 154c 8b0f038f add x15, x28, x15
0x108049590 1550 b84071f0 ldur w16, [x15, #7]
0x108049594 1554 7101d210 subs w16, w16, #0x74 (116)
0x108049598 1558 b80071f0 stur w16, [x15, #7]
0x10804959c 155c 54ff900a b.ge #-0xe00 (addr 0x10804879c)
0x1080495a0 1560 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x1080495a4 1564 f85f83bb ldur cp, [fp, #-8]
0x1080495a8 1568 f85f03af ldur x15, [fp, #-16]
0x1080495ac 156c a9bf7fef stp x15, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
[ CallRuntime
0x1080495b0 1570 d2800020 movz x0, #0x1
0x1080495b4 1574 d28c7401 movz x1, #0x63a0
0x1080495b8 1578 f2a092e1 movk x1, #0x497, lsl #16
0x1080495bc 157c f2c00021 movk x1, #0x1, lsl #32
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit
0x1080495c0 1580 95ed8858 bl #+0x7b62160 (addr 0x10fbab720) ;; runtime entry
0x1080495c4 1584 a8c17fe0 ldp x0, xzr, [sp], #16
0x1080495c8 1588 17fffc75 b #-0xe2c (addr 0x10804879c)
[ 0b fa Ldar r0
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x1080495cc 158c 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x1080495d0 1590 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x1080495d4 1594 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x1080495e0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x1080495d8 1598 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x1080495dc 159c 95e6bf59 bl #+0x79afd64 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x1080495e0 15a0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x1080495e4 15a4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x1080495fc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x1080495e8 15a8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x1080495ec 15ac 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x1080495f0 15b0 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x1080495f4 15b4 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x1080495f8 15b8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049604)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x1080495fc 15bc d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049600 15c0 95e6bf50 bl #+0x79afd40 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x108049604 15c4 f85d03a0 ldur x0, [fp, #-48]
[ a9 Return
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x108049608 15c8 910183ef add x15, sp, #0x60 (96)
0x10804960c 15cc eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x108049610 15d0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10804961c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x108049614 15d4 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049618 15d8 95e6bf4a bl #+0x79afd28 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10804961c 15dc f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x108049620 15e0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x108049638)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x108049624 15e4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x108049628 15e8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10804962c 15ec 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x108049630 15f0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x108049634 15f4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049640)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x108049638 15f8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10804963c 15fc 95e6bf41 bl #+0x79afd04 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x108049640 1600 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
[ Return
0x108049644 1604 d2800023 movz x3, #0x1
0x108049648 1608 92801504 movn x4, #0xa8
[ TailCallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to BaselineLeaveFrame
0x10804964c 160c 15e3aea5 b #+0x78eba94 (addr 0x10f9350e0) ;; runtime entry
0x108049650 1610 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x108049654 1614 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x108049658 1618 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x108049664)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10804965c 161c d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x108049660 1620 95e6bf38 bl #+0x79afce0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ Constant Pool
0x108049664 1624 5800055f constant pool begin (num_const = 42) ;; constant pool
0x108049668 1628 d63f03e0 constant
0x10804966c 162c d503201f constant
0x108049670 1630 0025386d constant
0x108049674 1634 00001161 constant
0x108049678 1638 00253751 constant
0x10804967c 163c 00001161 constant
0x108049680 1640 00004121 constant
0x108049684 1644 00001161 constant
0x108049688 1648 002536c5 constant
0x10804968c 164c 00001161 constant
0x108049690 1650 00253695 constant
0x108049694 1654 00001161 constant
0x108049698 1658 002536d5 constant
0x10804969c 165c 00001161 constant
0x1080496a0 1660 002536c5 constant
0x1080496a4 1664 00001161 constant
0x1080496a8 1668 00253695 constant
0x1080496ac 166c 00001161 constant
0x1080496b0 1670 00005199 constant
0x1080496b4 1674 00001161 constant
0x1080496b8 1678 002536d5 constant
0x1080496bc 167c 00001161 constant
0x1080496c0 1680 0000407d constant
0x1080496c4 1684 00001161 constant
0x1080496c8 1688 00005199 constant
0x1080496cc 168c 00001161 constant
0x1080496d0 1690 002536d5 constant
0x1080496d4 1694 00001161 constant
0x1080496d8 1698 002536a5 constant
0x1080496dc 169c 00001161 constant
0x1080496e0 16a0 002536d5 constant
0x1080496e4 16a4 00001161 constant
0x1080496e8 16a8 002536d5 constant
0x1080496ec 16ac 00001161 constant
0x1080496f0 16b0 002536a5 constant
0x1080496f4 16b4 00001161 constant
0x1080496f8 16b8 002536d5 constant
0x1080496fc 16bc 00001161 constant
0x108049700 16c0 002536b5 constant
0x108049704 16c4 00001161 constant
0x108049708 16c8 002536e5 constant
0x10804970c 16cc 00001161 constant
RelocInfo (size = 442)
0x10804804c full embedded object (0x11610025386d <BytecodeArray[169]>)
0x108048050 runtime entry
0x108048084 runtime entry
0x1080480c4 runtime entry
0x1080480e8 runtime entry
0x1080480ec full embedded object (0x116100253751 <FixedArray[5]>)
0x108048100 runtime entry
0x108048124 runtime entry
0x108048140 runtime entry
0x108048154 runtime entry
0x108048178 runtime entry
0x108048198 runtime entry
0x1080481ac runtime entry
0x1080481d0 runtime entry
0x1080481f4 runtime entry
0x108048208 runtime entry
0x10804822c runtime entry
0x108048230 full embedded object (0x116100004121 <String[9]: #arguments>)
0x108048238 runtime entry
0x10804824c runtime entry
0x108048270 runtime entry
0x10804828c runtime entry
0x1080482a0 runtime entry
0x1080482c4 runtime entry
0x1080482dc runtime entry
0x108048300 runtime entry
0x10804830c runtime entry
0x108048320 runtime entry
0x108048344 runtime entry
0x108048348 full embedded object (0x1161002536c5 <String[1]: #N>)
0x108048350 runtime entry
0x108048364 runtime entry
0x108048388 runtime entry
0x10804838c full embedded object (0x116100253695 <String[3]: #Obj>)
0x108048394 runtime entry
0x1080483a8 runtime entry
0x1080483cc runtime entry
0x1080483e8 runtime entry
0x1080483fc runtime entry
0x108048420 runtime entry
0x108048438 runtime entry
0x10804845c runtime entry
0x108048478 runtime entry
0x10804848c runtime entry
0x1080484b0 runtime entry
0x1080484c8 runtime entry
0x1080484ec runtime entry
0x108048508 runtime entry
0x10804851c runtime entry
0x108048540 runtime entry
0x108048558 runtime entry
0x10804857c runtime entry
0x1080485a4 runtime entry
0x1080485b8 runtime entry
0x1080485dc runtime entry
0x1080485e0 full embedded object (0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>)
0x1080485e8 runtime entry
0x1080485fc runtime entry
0x108048620 runtime entry
0x108048638 runtime entry
0x10804865c runtime entry
0x108048678 runtime entry
0x10804868c runtime entry
0x1080486b0 runtime entry
0x1080486c8 runtime entry
0x1080486ec runtime entry
0x108048708 runtime entry
0x10804871c runtime entry
0x108048740 runtime entry
0x108048758 runtime entry
0x10804877c runtime entry
0x108048798 runtime entry
0x1080487ac runtime entry
0x1080487d0 runtime entry
0x1080487d4 full embedded object (0x1161002536c5 <String[1]: #N>)
0x1080487dc runtime entry
0x1080487f0 runtime entry
0x108048814 runtime entry
0x108048820 runtime entry
0x108048834 runtime entry
0x108048858 runtime entry
0x108048894 runtime entry
0x1080488b8 runtime entry
0x1080488bc full embedded object (0x116100253695 <String[3]: #Obj>)
0x1080488c4 runtime entry
0x1080488d8 runtime entry
0x1080488fc runtime entry
0x108048918 runtime entry
0x10804892c runtime entry
0x108048950 runtime entry
0x108048968 runtime entry
0x10804898c runtime entry
0x1080489ac runtime entry
0x1080489c0 runtime entry
0x1080489e4 runtime entry
0x108048a04 runtime entry
0x108048a18 runtime entry
0x108048a3c runtime entry
0x108048a64 runtime entry
0x108048a78 runtime entry
0x108048a9c runtime entry
0x108048aa0 full embedded object (0x116100005199 <String[5]: #other>)
0x108048aa8 runtime entry
0x108048abc runtime entry
0x108048ae0 runtime entry
0x108048ae4 full embedded object (0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>)
0x108048aec runtime entry
0x108048b00 runtime entry
0x108048b24 runtime entry
0x108048b40 runtime entry
0x108048b54 runtime entry
0x108048b78 runtime entry
0x108048b80 full embedded object (0x11610000407d <String[3]: #add>)
0x108048b88 runtime entry
0x108048b9c runtime entry
0x108048bc0 runtime entry
0x108048bdc runtime entry
0x108048bf0 runtime entry
0x108048c14 runtime entry
0x108048c18 full embedded object (0x116100005199 <String[5]: #other>)
0x108048c20 runtime entry
0x108048c34 runtime entry
0x108048c58 runtime entry
0x108048c74 runtime entry
0x108048c88 runtime entry
0x108048cac runtime entry
0x108048cc4 runtime entry
0x108048cd8 runtime entry
0x108048cfc runtime entry
0x108048d14 runtime entry
0x108048d38 runtime entry
0x108048d54 runtime entry
0x108048d68 runtime entry
0x108048d8c runtime entry
0x108048d90 full embedded object (0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>)
0x108048d98 runtime entry
0x108048dac runtime entry
0x108048dd0 runtime entry
0x108048dec runtime entry
0x108048e00 runtime entry
0x108048e24 runtime entry
0x108048e2c full embedded object (0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>)
0x108048e34 runtime entry
0x108048e48 runtime entry
0x108048e6c runtime entry
0x108048e88 runtime entry
0x108048e9c runtime entry
0x108048ec0 runtime entry
0x108048edc runtime entry
0x108048f00 runtime entry
0x108048f0c runtime entry
0x108048f20 runtime entry
0x108048f44 runtime entry
0x108048f80 runtime entry
0x108048fa4 runtime entry
0x108048fa8 full embedded object (0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>)
0x108048fb0 runtime entry
0x108048fc4 runtime entry
0x108048fe8 runtime entry
0x108049004 runtime entry
0x108049018 runtime entry
0x10804903c runtime entry
0x108049040 full embedded object (0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>)
0x108049048 runtime entry
0x10804905c runtime entry
0x108049080 runtime entry
0x10804909c runtime entry
0x1080490b0 runtime entry
0x1080490d4 runtime entry
0x1080490dc full embedded object (0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>)
0x1080490e4 runtime entry
0x1080490f8 runtime entry
0x10804911c runtime entry
0x108049138 runtime entry
0x10804914c runtime entry
0x108049170 runtime entry
0x108049174 full embedded object (0x1161002536d5 <String[3]: #obj>)
0x10804917c runtime entry
0x108049190 runtime entry
0x1080491b4 runtime entry
0x1080491d0 runtime entry
0x1080491e4 runtime entry
0x108049208 runtime entry
0x108049210 full embedded object (0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>)
0x108049218 runtime entry
0x10804922c runtime entry
0x108049250 runtime entry
0x10804925c runtime entry
0x108049270 runtime entry
0x108049294 runtime entry
0x1080492b0 runtime entry
0x1080492c4 runtime entry
0x1080492e8 runtime entry
0x1080492f0 full embedded object (0x1161002536e5 <String[1]: #z>)
0x1080492f8 runtime entry
0x10804930c runtime entry
0x108049330 runtime entry
0x108049350 runtime entry
0x108049364 runtime entry
0x108049388 runtime entry
0x1080493a0 runtime entry
0x1080493c4 runtime entry
0x1080493dc runtime entry
0x108049400 runtime entry
0x108049408 runtime entry
0x10804941c runtime entry
0x108049440 runtime entry
0x10804945c runtime entry
0x108049470 runtime entry
0x108049494 runtime entry
0x1080494ac runtime entry
0x1080494d0 runtime entry
0x1080494dc runtime entry
0x1080494f0 runtime entry
0x108049514 runtime entry
0x108049530 runtime entry
0x108049544 runtime entry
0x108049568 runtime entry
0x108049580 runtime entry
0x1080495c0 runtime entry
0x1080495dc runtime entry
0x108049600 runtime entry
0x108049618 runtime entry
0x10804963c runtime entry
0x10804964c runtime entry
0x108049660 runtime entry
0x108049664 constant pool (size 172)
0x10805aa81: [Code]
- map: 0x116100002655 <Map>
- code_data_container: 0x11610027026d <Other heap object (CODE_DATA_CONTAINER_TYPE)>
compiler = baseline
address = 0x10805aa81
Instructions (size = 752)
[ Prologue
0x10805aac0 0 a9bf7bfd stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
0x10805aac4 4 910003fd mov fp, sp
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805aac8 8 d2800002 movz x2, #0x0
0x10805aacc c 580015f4 ldr x20, pc+700 (addr 0x000000010805ad88) ;; object: 0x116100253ae5 <BytecodeArray[22]>
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to BaselineOutOfLinePrologue
0x10805aad0 10 95e368ac bl #+0x78da2b0 (addr 0x10f934d80) ;; runtime entry
[ AssertSpAligned
0x10805aad4 14 910003f0 mov x16, sp
[ LogicalMacro
0x10805aad8 18 f2400e1f tst x16, #0xf
0x10805aadc 1c 540000c0 b.eq #+0x18 (addr 0x10805aaf4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805aae0 20 52800680 movz w0, #0x34
0x10805aae4 24 d2900990 movz x16, #0x804c
0x10805aae8 28 f2a07df0 movk x16, #0x3ef, lsl #16
0x10805aaec 2c f2c00030 movk x16, #0x1, lsl #32
0x10805aaf0 30 d63f0200 blr x16
[ PrologueFillFrame
[ CompareRoot
[ LoadRoot
0x10805aaf4 34 f940bb50 ldr x16, [x26, #368]
0x10805aaf8 38 6b10001f cmp w0, w16
0x10805aafc 3c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ab08)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10805ab00 40 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ab04 44 95e67a0f bl #+0x799e83c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ AssertSpAligned
0x10805ab08 48 910003f0 mov x16, sp
[ LogicalMacro
0x10805ab0c 4c f2400e1f tst x16, #0xf
0x10805ab10 50 540000c0 b.eq #+0x18 (addr 0x10805ab28)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805ab14 54 52800680 movz w0, #0x34
0x10805ab18 58 d2900990 movz x16, #0x804c
0x10805ab1c 5c f2a07df0 movk x16, #0x3ef, lsl #16
0x10805ab20 60 f2c00030 movk x16, #0x1, lsl #32
0x10805ab24 64 d63f0200 blr x16
[ 0b 03 Ldar a0
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805ab28 68 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805ab2c 6c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805ab30 70 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ab3c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805ab34 74 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ab38 78 95e67a02 bl #+0x799e808 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805ab3c 7c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805ab40 80 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805ab58)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805ab44 84 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805ab48 88 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805ab4c 8c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805ab50 90 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805ab54 94 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ab60)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805ab58 98 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ab5c 9c 95e679f9 bl #+0x799e7e4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x10805ab60 a0 f9400fa0 ldr x0, [fp, #24]
[ 32 02 00 00 StaNamedProperty <this>, [0], [0]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805ab64 a4 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805ab68 a8 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805ab6c ac 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ab78)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805ab70 b0 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ab74 b4 95e679f3 bl #+0x799e7cc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805ab78 b8 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805ab7c bc 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805ab94)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805ab80 c0 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805ab84 c4 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805ab88 c8 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805ab8c cc f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805ab90 d0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ab9c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805ab94 d4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ab98 d8 95e679ea bl #+0x799e7a8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805ab9c dc f9400ba1 ldr x1, [fp, #16]
0x10805aba0 e0 58000f82 ldr x2, pc+496 (addr 0x000000010805ad90) ;; object: 0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>
0x10805aba4 e4 d2800004 movz x4, #0x0
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreICBaseline
0x10805aba8 e8 95e88be6 bl #+0x7a22f98 (addr 0x10fa7db40) ;; runtime entry
[ 0b 04 Ldar a1
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805abac ec 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805abb0 f0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805abb4 f4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805abc0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805abb8 f8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805abbc fc 95e679e1 bl #+0x799e784 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805abc0 100 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805abc4 104 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805abdc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805abc8 108 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805abcc 10c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805abd0 110 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805abd4 114 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805abd8 118 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805abe4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805abdc 11c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805abe0 120 95e679d8 bl #+0x799e760 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x10805abe4 124 f94013a0 ldr x0, [fp, #32]
[ 32 02 01 02 StaNamedProperty <this>, [1], [2]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805abe8 128 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805abec 12c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805abf0 130 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805abfc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805abf4 134 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805abf8 138 95e679d2 bl #+0x799e748 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805abfc 13c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805ac00 140 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805ac18)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805ac04 144 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805ac08 148 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805ac0c 14c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805ac10 150 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805ac14 154 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ac20)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805ac18 158 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ac1c 15c 95e679c9 bl #+0x799e724 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805ac20 160 f9400ba1 ldr x1, [fp, #16]
0x10805ac24 164 58000ba2 ldr x2, pc+372 (addr 0x000000010805ad98) ;; object: 0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>
0x10805ac28 168 d2800084 movz x4, #0x4
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreICBaseline
0x10805ac2c 16c 95e88bc5 bl #+0x7a22f14 (addr 0x10fa7db40) ;; runtime entry
[ 80 02 00 01 CreateClosure [2], [0], #1
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805ac30 170 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805ac34 174 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805ac38 178 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ac44)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805ac3c 17c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ac40 180 95e679c0 bl #+0x799e700 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805ac44 184 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805ac48 188 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805ac60)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805ac4c 18c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805ac50 190 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805ac54 194 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805ac58 198 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805ac5c 19c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ac68)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805ac60 1a0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ac64 1a4 95e679b7 bl #+0x799e6dc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ LoadFeedbackVector
0x10805ac68 1a8 f85d83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-40]
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805ac6c 1ac b8417021 ldur w1, [x1, #23]
0x10805ac70 1b0 8b010381 add x1, x28, x1
[ DecompressAnyTagged
0x10805ac74 1b4 b8407021 ldur w1, [x1, #7]
0x10805ac78 1b8 8b010381 add x1, x28, x1
0x10805ac7c 1bc f85f83bb ldur cp, [fp, #-8]
0x10805ac80 1c0 5800090e ldr x14, pc+288 (addr 0x000000010805ada0) ;; object: 0x116100253a71 <SharedFunctionInfo Obj.add>
0x10805ac84 1c4 a9bf3be1 stp x1, x14, [sp, #-16]!
[ CallRuntime
0x10805ac88 1c8 d2800040 movz x0, #0x2
0x10805ac8c 1cc d29b5681 movz x1, #0xdab4
0x10805ac90 1d0 f2a093c1 movk x1, #0x49e, lsl #16
0x10805ac94 1d4 f2c00021 movk x1, #0x1, lsl #32
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit
0x10805ac98 1d8 95ed42a2 bl #+0x7b50a88 (addr 0x10fbab720) ;; runtime entry
[ 32 02 03 04 StaNamedProperty <this>, [3], [4]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805ac9c 1dc 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805aca0 1e0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805aca4 1e4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805acb0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805aca8 1e8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805acac 1ec 95e679a5 bl #+0x799e694 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805acb0 1f0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805acb4 1f4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805accc)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805acb8 1f8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805acbc 1fc 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805acc0 200 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805acc4 204 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805acc8 208 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805acd4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805accc 20c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805acd0 210 95e6799c bl #+0x799e670 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805acd4 214 f9400ba1 ldr x1, [fp, #16]
0x10805acd8 218 58000682 ldr x2, pc+208 (addr 0x000000010805ada8) ;; object: 0x11610000407d <String[3]: #add>
0x10805acdc 21c d2800104 movz x4, #0x8
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreICBaseline
0x10805ace0 220 95e88b98 bl #+0x7a22e60 (addr 0x10fa7db40) ;; runtime entry
[ 0e LdaUndefined
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805ace4 224 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805ace8 228 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805acec 22c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805acf8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805acf0 230 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805acf4 234 95e67993 bl #+0x799e64c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805acf8 238 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805acfc 23c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805ad14)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805ad00 240 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805ad04 244 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805ad08 248 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805ad0c 24c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805ad10 250 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ad1c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805ad14 254 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ad18 258 95e6798a bl #+0x799e628 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ LoadRoot
0x10805ad1c 25c f940bb40 ldr x0, [x26, #368]
[ a9 Return
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805ad20 260 9100c3ef add x15, sp, #0x30 (48)
0x10805ad24 264 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805ad28 268 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ad34)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805ad2c 26c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ad30 270 95e67984 bl #+0x799e610 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805ad34 274 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805ad38 278 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805ad50)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805ad3c 27c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805ad40 280 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805ad44 284 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805ad48 288 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805ad4c 28c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ad58)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805ad50 290 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ad54 294 95e6797b bl #+0x799e5ec (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x10805ad58 298 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
[ Return
0x10805ad5c 29c d2800063 movz x3, #0x3
0x10805ad60 2a0 928002a4 movn x4, #0x15
[ TailCallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to BaselineLeaveFrame
0x10805ad64 2a4 15e368df b #+0x78da37c (addr 0x10f9350e0) ;; runtime entry
0x10805ad68 2a8 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10805ad6c 2ac 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x10805ad70 2b0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805ad7c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10805ad74 2b4 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805ad78 2b8 95e67972 bl #+0x799e5c8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ Constant Pool
0x10805ad7c 2bc 5800019f constant pool begin (num_const = 12) ;; constant pool
0x10805ad80 2c0 d63f03e0 constant
0x10805ad84 2c4 d503201f constant
0x10805ad88 2c8 00253ae5 constant
0x10805ad8c 2cc 00001161 constant
0x10805ad90 2d0 002536a5 constant
0x10805ad94 2d4 00001161 constant
0x10805ad98 2d8 002536b5 constant
0x10805ad9c 2dc 00001161 constant
0x10805ada0 2e0 00253a71 constant
0x10805ada4 2e4 00001161 constant
0x10805ada8 2e8 0000407d constant
0x10805adac 2ec 00001161 constant
RelocInfo (size = 59)
0x10805aacc full embedded object (0x116100253ae5 <BytecodeArray[22]>)
0x10805aad0 runtime entry
0x10805ab04 runtime entry
0x10805ab38 runtime entry
0x10805ab5c runtime entry
0x10805ab74 runtime entry
0x10805ab98 runtime entry
0x10805aba0 full embedded object (0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>)
0x10805aba8 runtime entry
0x10805abbc runtime entry
0x10805abe0 runtime entry
0x10805abf8 runtime entry
0x10805ac1c runtime entry
0x10805ac24 full embedded object (0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>)
0x10805ac2c runtime entry
0x10805ac40 runtime entry
0x10805ac64 runtime entry
0x10805ac80 full embedded object (0x116100253a71 <SharedFunctionInfo Obj.add>)
0x10805ac98 runtime entry
0x10805acac runtime entry
0x10805acd0 runtime entry
0x10805acd8 full embedded object (0x11610000407d <String[3]: #add>)
0x10805ace0 runtime entry
0x10805acf4 runtime entry
0x10805ad18 runtime entry
0x10805ad30 runtime entry
0x10805ad54 runtime entry
0x10805ad64 runtime entry
0x10805ad78 runtime entry
0x10805ad7c constant pool (size 52)
0x10805cec1: [Code]
- map: 0x116100002655 <Map>
- code_data_container: 0x1161002702f1 <Other heap object (CODE_DATA_CONTAINER_TYPE)>
compiler = baseline
address = 0x10805cec1
Instructions (size = 1064)
[ Prologue
0x10805cf00 0 a9bf7bfd stp fp, lr, [sp, #-16]!
0x10805cf04 4 910003fd mov fp, sp
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805cf08 8 d2800202 movz x2, #0x10
0x10805cf0c c 58001f34 ldr x20, pc+996 (addr 0x000000010805d2f0) ;; object: 0x116100253bfd <BytecodeArray[34]>
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to BaselineOutOfLinePrologue
0x10805cf10 10 95e35f9c bl #+0x78d7e70 (addr 0x10f934d80) ;; runtime entry
[ AssertSpAligned
0x10805cf14 14 910003f0 mov x16, sp
[ LogicalMacro
0x10805cf18 18 f2400e1f tst x16, #0xf
0x10805cf1c 1c 540000c0 b.eq #+0x18 (addr 0x10805cf34)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805cf20 20 52800680 movz w0, #0x34
0x10805cf24 24 d2900990 movz x16, #0x804c
0x10805cf28 28 f2a07df0 movk x16, #0x3ef, lsl #16
0x10805cf2c 2c f2c00030 movk x16, #0x1, lsl #32
0x10805cf30 30 d63f0200 blr x16
[ PrologueFillFrame
[ CompareRoot
[ LoadRoot
0x10805cf34 34 f940bb50 ldr x16, [x26, #368]
0x10805cf38 38 6b10001f cmp w0, w16
0x10805cf3c 3c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805cf48)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10805cf40 40 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805cf44 44 95e670ff bl #+0x799c3fc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
0x10805cf48 48 a9bf03e0 stp x0, x0, [sp, #-16]!
[ AssertSpAligned
0x10805cf4c 4c 910003f0 mov x16, sp
[ LogicalMacro
0x10805cf50 50 f2400e1f tst x16, #0xf
0x10805cf54 54 540000c0 b.eq #+0x18 (addr 0x10805cf6c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805cf58 58 52800680 movz w0, #0x34
0x10805cf5c 5c d2900990 movz x16, #0x804c
0x10805cf60 60 f2a07df0 movk x16, #0x3ef, lsl #16
0x10805cf64 64 f2c00030 movk x16, #0x1, lsl #32
0x10805cf68 68 d63f0200 blr x16
[ 2d 02 00 00 LdaNamedProperty <this>, [0], [0]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805cf6c 6c 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805cf70 70 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805cf74 74 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805cf80)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805cf78 78 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805cf7c 7c 95e670f1 bl #+0x799c3c4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805cf80 80 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805cf84 84 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805cf9c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805cf88 88 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805cf8c 8c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805cf90 90 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805cf94 94 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805cf98 98 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805cfa4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805cf9c 9c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805cfa0 a0 95e670e8 bl #+0x799c3a0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805cfa4 a4 f9400ba1 ldr x1, [fp, #16]
0x10805cfa8 a8 58001a82 ldr x2, pc+848 (addr 0x000000010805d2f8) ;; object: 0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>
0x10805cfac ac d2800000 movz x0, #0x0
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x10805cfb0 b0 95e78c14 bl #+0x79e3050 (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ c3 Star1
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805cfb4 b4 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805cfb8 b8 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805cfbc bc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805cfc8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805cfc0 c0 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805cfc4 c4 95e670df bl #+0x799c37c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805cfc8 c8 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805cfcc cc 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805cfe4)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805cfd0 d0 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805cfd4 d4 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805cfd8 d8 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805cfdc dc f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805cfe0 e0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805cfec)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805cfe4 e4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805cfe8 e8 95e670d6 bl #+0x799c358 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x10805cfec ec a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x10805cff0 f0 f81c83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-56]
0x10805cff4 f4 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10805cff8 f8 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x10805cffc fc 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d008)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10805d000 100 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d004 104 95e670cf bl #+0x799c33c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 2d 03 00 03 LdaNamedProperty a0, [0], [3]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d008 108 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d00c 10c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d010 110 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d01c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d014 114 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d018 118 95e670ca bl #+0x799c328 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d01c 11c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d020 120 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d038)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d024 124 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d028 128 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d02c 12c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d030 130 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d034 134 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d040)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d038 138 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d03c 13c 95e670c1 bl #+0x799c304 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805d040 140 f9400fa1 ldr x1, [fp, #24]
0x10805d044 144 580015e2 ldr x2, pc+700 (addr 0x000000010805d300) ;; object: 0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>
0x10805d048 148 d28000c0 movz x0, #0x6
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x10805d04c 14c 95e78bed bl #+0x79e2fb4 (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ 39 f9 02 Add r1, [2]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d050 150 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d054 154 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d058 158 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d064)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d05c 15c d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d060 160 95e670b8 bl #+0x799c2e0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d064 164 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d068 168 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d080)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d06c 16c b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d070 170 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d074 174 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d078 178 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d07c 17c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d088)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d080 180 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d084 184 95e670af bl #+0x799c2bc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805d088 188 f85c83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-56]
0x10805d08c 18c d2800042 movz x2, #0x2
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Add_Baseline
0x10805d090 190 95e9f9f4 bl #+0x7a7e7d0 (addr 0x10fadb860) ;; runtime entry
[ 32 02 00 05 StaNamedProperty <this>, [0], [5]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d094 194 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d098 198 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d09c 19c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d0a8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d0a0 1a0 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d0a4 1a4 95e670a7 bl #+0x799c29c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d0a8 1a8 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d0ac 1ac 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d0c4)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d0b0 1b0 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d0b4 1b4 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d0b8 1b8 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d0bc 1bc f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d0c0 1c0 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d0cc)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d0c4 1c4 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d0c8 1c8 95e6709e bl #+0x799c278 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805d0cc 1cc f9400ba1 ldr x1, [fp, #16]
0x10805d0d0 1d0 580011c2 ldr x2, pc+568 (addr 0x000000010805d308) ;; object: 0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>
0x10805d0d4 1d4 d2800144 movz x4, #0xa
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreICBaseline
0x10805d0d8 1d8 95e8829a bl #+0x7a20a68 (addr 0x10fa7db40) ;; runtime entry
[ 2d 02 01 07 LdaNamedProperty <this>, [1], [7]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d0dc 1dc 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d0e0 1e0 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d0e4 1e4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d0f0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d0e8 1e8 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d0ec 1ec 95e67095 bl #+0x799c254 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d0f0 1f0 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d0f4 1f4 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d10c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d0f8 1f8 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d0fc 1fc 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d100 200 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d104 204 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d108 208 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d114)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d10c 20c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d110 210 95e6708c bl #+0x799c230 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805d114 214 f9400ba1 ldr x1, [fp, #16]
0x10805d118 218 58000fc2 ldr x2, pc+504 (addr 0x000000010805d310) ;; object: 0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>
0x10805d11c 21c d28001c0 movz x0, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x10805d120 220 95e78bb8 bl #+0x79e2ee0 (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ c3 Star1
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d124 224 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d128 228 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d12c 22c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d138)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d130 230 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d134 234 95e67083 bl #+0x799c20c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d138 238 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d13c 23c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d154)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d140 240 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d144 244 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d148 248 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d14c 24c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d150 250 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d15c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d154 254 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d158 258 95e6707a bl #+0x799c1e8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x10805d15c 25c a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
0x10805d160 260 f81c83a0 stur x0, [fp, #-56]
0x10805d164 264 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10805d168 268 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x10805d16c 26c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d178)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10805d170 270 d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d174 274 95e67073 bl #+0x799c1cc (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ 2d 03 01 0a LdaNamedProperty a0, [1], [10]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d178 278 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d17c 27c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d180 280 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d18c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d184 284 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d188 288 95e6706e bl #+0x799c1b8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d18c 28c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d190 290 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d1a8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d194 294 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d198 298 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d19c 29c 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d1a0 2a0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d1a4 2a4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d1b0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d1a8 2a8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d1ac 2ac 95e67065 bl #+0x799c194 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805d1b0 2b0 f9400fa1 ldr x1, [fp, #24]
0x10805d1b4 2b4 58000b22 ldr x2, pc+356 (addr 0x000000010805d318) ;; object: 0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>
0x10805d1b8 2b8 d2800280 movz x0, #0x14
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to LoadICBaseline
0x10805d1bc 2bc 95e78b91 bl #+0x79e2e44 (addr 0x10fa40000) ;; runtime entry
[ 39 f9 09 Add r1, [9]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d1c0 2c0 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d1c4 2c4 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d1c8 2c8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d1d4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d1cc 2cc d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d1d0 2d0 95e6705c bl #+0x799c170 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d1d4 2d4 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d1d8 2d8 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d1f0)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d1dc 2dc b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d1e0 2e0 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d1e4 2e4 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d1e8 2e8 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d1ec 2ec 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d1f8)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d1f0 2f0 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d1f4 2f4 95e67053 bl #+0x799c14c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805d1f8 2f8 f85c83a1 ldur x1, [fp, #-56]
0x10805d1fc 2fc d2800122 movz x2, #0x9
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Add_Baseline
0x10805d200 300 95e9f998 bl #+0x7a7e660 (addr 0x10fadb860) ;; runtime entry
[ 32 02 01 0c StaNamedProperty <this>, [1], [12]
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d204 304 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d208 308 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d20c 30c 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d218)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d210 310 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d214 314 95e6704b bl #+0x799c12c (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d218 318 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d21c 31c 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d234)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d220 320 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d224 324 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d228 328 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d22c 32c f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d230 330 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d23c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d234 334 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d238 338 95e67042 bl #+0x799c108 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ CallBuiltin
0x10805d23c 33c f9400ba1 ldr x1, [fp, #16]
0x10805d240 340 58000702 ldr x2, pc+224 (addr 0x000000010805d320) ;; object: 0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>
0x10805d244 344 d2800304 movz x4, #0x18
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to StoreICBaseline
0x10805d248 348 95e8823e bl #+0x7a208f8 (addr 0x10fa7db40) ;; runtime entry
[ 0e LdaUndefined
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d24c 34c 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d250 350 eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d254 354 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d260)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d258 358 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d25c 35c 95e67039 bl #+0x799c0e4 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d260 360 f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d264 364 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d27c)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d268 368 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d26c 36c 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d270 370 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d274 374 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d278 378 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d284)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d27c 37c d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d280 380 95e67030 bl #+0x799c0c0 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ LoadRoot
0x10805d284 384 f940bb40 ldr x0, [x26, #368]
[ a9 Return
[ VerifyFrame
-- Verify frame size
[ VerifyFrameSize
0x10805d288 388 910103ef add x15, sp, #0x40 (64)
0x10805d28c 38c eb1d01ff cmp x15, fp
0x10805d290 390 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d29c)
[ Abort
Abort message:
The stack pointer is not the expected value
0x10805d294 394 d2800d01 movz x1, #0x68
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d298 398 95e6702a bl #+0x799c0a8 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
-- Verify feedback vector
0x10805d29c 39c f85d83ae ldur x14, [fp, #-40]
0x10805d2a0 3a0 360000ce tbz w14, #0, #+0x18 (addr 0x10805d2b8)
[ LoadMap
[ DecompressTaggedPointer
0x10805d2a4 3a4 b85ff1ce ldur w14, [x14, #-1]
0x10805d2a8 3a8 8b0e038e add x14, x28, x14
0x10805d2ac 3ac 784071cf ldurh w15, [x14, #7]
0x10805d2b0 3b0 f103cdff cmp x15, #0xf3 (243)
0x10805d2b4 3b4 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d2c0)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Expected feedback vector
0x10805d2b8 3b8 d28001c1 movz x1, #0xe
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d2bc 3bc 95e67021 bl #+0x799c084 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ EnsureAccumulatorPreservedScope
0x10805d2c0 3c0 a9bf7fe0 stp x0, xzr, [sp, #-16]!
[ Return
0x10805d2c4 3c4 d2800043 movz x3, #0x2
0x10805d2c8 3c8 92800424 movn x4, #0x21
[ TailCallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to BaselineLeaveFrame
0x10805d2cc 3cc 15e35f85 b #+0x78d7e14 (addr 0x10f9350e0) ;; runtime entry
0x10805d2d0 3d0 a8c17fee ldp x14, xzr, [sp], #16
0x10805d2d4 3d4 6b0001df cmp w14, w0
0x10805d2d8 3d8 54000060 b.eq #+0xc (addr 0x10805d2e4)
[ Abort
Abort message:
Unexpected value
0x10805d2dc 3dc d2800d41 movz x1, #0x6a
[ CallBuiltin
[ Inlined Trampoline to Abort
0x10805d2e0 3e0 95e67018 bl #+0x799c060 (addr 0x10f9f9340) ;; runtime entry
[ Constant Pool
0x10805d2e4 3e4 5800021f constant pool begin (num_const = 16) ;; constant pool
0x10805d2e8 3e8 d63f03e0 constant
0x10805d2ec 3ec d503201f constant
0x10805d2f0 3f0 00253bfd constant
0x10805d2f4 3f4 00001161 constant
0x10805d2f8 3f8 002536a5 constant
0x10805d2fc 3fc 00001161 constant
0x10805d300 400 002536a5 constant
0x10805d304 404 00001161 constant
0x10805d308 408 002536a5 constant
0x10805d30c 40c 00001161 constant
0x10805d310 410 002536b5 constant
0x10805d314 414 00001161 constant
0x10805d318 418 002536b5 constant
0x10805d31c 41c 00001161 constant
0x10805d320 420 002536b5 constant
0x10805d324 424 00001161 constant
RelocInfo (size = 89)
0x10805cf0c full embedded object (0x116100253bfd <BytecodeArray[34]>)
0x10805cf10 runtime entry
0x10805cf44 runtime entry
0x10805cf7c runtime entry
0x10805cfa0 runtime entry
0x10805cfa8 full embedded object (0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>)
0x10805cfb0 runtime entry
0x10805cfc4 runtime entry
0x10805cfe8 runtime entry
0x10805d004 runtime entry
0x10805d018 runtime entry
0x10805d03c runtime entry
0x10805d044 full embedded object (0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>)
0x10805d04c runtime entry
0x10805d060 runtime entry
0x10805d084 runtime entry
0x10805d090 runtime entry
0x10805d0a4 runtime entry
0x10805d0c8 runtime entry
0x10805d0d0 full embedded object (0x1161002536a5 <String[1]: #x>)
0x10805d0d8 runtime entry
0x10805d0ec runtime entry
0x10805d110 runtime entry
0x10805d118 full embedded object (0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>)
0x10805d120 runtime entry
0x10805d134 runtime entry
0x10805d158 runtime entry
0x10805d174 runtime entry
0x10805d188 runtime entry
0x10805d1ac runtime entry
0x10805d1b4 full embedded object (0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>)
0x10805d1bc runtime entry
0x10805d1d0 runtime entry
0x10805d1f4 runtime entry
0x10805d200 runtime entry
0x10805d214 runtime entry
0x10805d238 runtime entry
0x10805d240 full embedded object (0x1161002536b5 <String[1]: #y>)
0x10805d248 runtime entry
0x10805d25c runtime entry
0x10805d280 runtime entry
0x10805d298 runtime entry
0x10805d2bc runtime entry
0x10805d2cc runtime entry
0x10805d2e0 runtime entry
0x10805d2e4 constant pool (size 68)